Monday, December 10, 2012

The Album

So many of you have been hearing that I’m writing an album for like a year now. It’s taken many directions but it’s come back to my original concepts. Had to abandon Atlas Dying because the legal process is taking forever. The album has been 90% finished for several months now, but that last 10% is a big 10% if that makes sense.

What I mean is, the album is done, and if I released it, it would be average. There are synths in place of instruments where I either couldn’t think of a good riff or lacked the proper equipment at the time. Right now I think I’ve got the bass and lead guitars handled, I’ll be uploading new versions of the songs soon. The only thing left is some piano, which means I need to finally buy a piano, and vocals, which I’m really just at the point now where I’m going to write poetry, get on and get some cute British girl to read it during the verses of the song. I wish I had a vocalist but I’ve been trying for a year, it aint happening.

Anyways, I can’t wait to release it. For those of you that didn’t know, if you have an Android phone, you can download my app just by doing a search for “involusion” on the play store. Iphone app coming soon. And as always, the website is From there you can play the songs for free.

Anyways there’s your update, I will try to update this thing much more often. Right now, honestly, while I’m waiting till after the holidays to make a major purchase (piano), I’m working simultaneously on videos for Spiral Down and for Brenna. Any one that would like to be in the video, please speak up, I need people. Thanks.
